Saturday, February 2, 2008

The next chapter.

Today I worked on "layers" and did a review on "channels".

I never knew about Channels and Layers before.

We also did some "hands-on" work constructing collages the "original" way.

Then we practiced collages on Photobucket.

It's truly helpful in making collages through Photobucket.

Cheating is fun ;)

Have an awsome day!!


Saturday, January 26, 2008

It Begins.

My friend's call me Mar.

I'd sum up my total years of computer experience to five whole good years.

I've only customized a few personal websites of my own through & I visit & for inspiration of my hobbies through my own correspondence. I also own my own e-commerce business which is too similar to, but on steroids. I'll tell you about it later :)

I'm not so great with Photoshop "yet", but I do have an artistic eye & I do come from a family of artists.

I've seen awesome creations with Photoshop in my days. I've created work not good enough yet to my eyes. I'll get it here soon with a little more practice for sure.

I wanted to take this class because I want to learn the business side of the digital art world. I'm interested in advertising, creating fliers & designing art works for skateboards & snowboards. I know that I have talent and if I learn how to apply that skill to the new world of digital art, I'll be able to Inspire other great artsist in my life who refuse to take the jump into the digital realm. From the knowledge I learn in this class I hope to inspire and hopefully teach other artists to recognize the shift in times and take advantage of change the best they can.

I'm usually use Windows, but I can adapt and change to my environment.

I do identify as an artist on many levels. I made my first good sketch in the 2nd Grade, I remember it well. My rep as an extremely young artist took off from then. Through the years I fell in love with the Martial Arts. I think of it as Art of the Mind, Body and Spirit. For he ladies, in middle school, I sang with a group of Tenors. In High School I picked up accoustic and classic guitar to add to my musical Arts. Through mid-High School I Joined a dynamic/progressive dance group. In college I picked up a Bass guitar and killed open mic nights with my band mates. I've only been introduced to digital art in the last 3 years. I've been sketching and doing calligraphy ever since my 2grade debute.

A big inspiration is Comic Artists & Cool Movie Directors.

Thanks for you r time!